Planning Division

The Planning Division provides staff support to the City Council and Planning Commission in formulating and administering plans, programs, development standards, and legislation for guiding the City’s development in a manner consistent with the City’s General Plan. The Division’s primary goal is to ensure and enhance the quality of life in the City through the administration of the La Puente Municipal Code relative to zoning and subdivisions, the City’s General Plan, the California Environmental Quality Act, and a variety of interrelated laws involving the public health, safety, and welfare. It accomplishes these goals through current and advanced planning responsibilities.

Current planning involves reviewing development projects, including anything from single-family residential additions to new commercial and industrial projects. Projects are reviewed for compliance with zoning regulations, the effect the project will have on the environment, and compatibility with neighboring uses.

Advance Planning is responsible for articulating the City’s community’s long-range vision through land use and policy planning.

The 2021-2029 Cycle Housing Element Update public review draft is now available for public review and comment. The Housing Element is required by State law to identify and analyze existing and projected housing needs in order to preserve, improve and develop housing for all economic segments of the community, and demonstrate how the City will accommodate its fair share of regional housing needs. The Draft Housing Element includes a Housing Program, which establishes goals, policies, and implementation actions to address the City’s housing needs. No physical development or construction of housing is proposed with this Housing Element Update, as the project is an administrative procedure of updating the City’s Housing Element document.

Where to View the Housing Element Public Review Draft

The 6th Cycle Housing Element public review draft may be reviewed during regular business hours (7:30 AM to 5:30 PM Monday through Thursday, and 7:30 AM to 4:30 PM Fridays) at the City of La Puente Development Services Department – City Hall, 15900 E. Main Street, La Puente, CA 91744.

The Housing Element public review draft will be available for review at the following locations:

La Puente Library:

15920 Central Avenue, La Puente, CA 91744
(Open Mon, Wed-Fri, 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM, Tue, 12:00 PM to 8:00 PM)

La Puente Community Center:

501 Glendora Avenue, La Puente, CA 91744
(Limited hours due to COVID-19, Mon-Fri, 8:00 AM to 9:00 PM)

How to Comment on the Housing Element Public Draft

The 2021-2029 Housing Element Update will be circulated for a 30-day public review and comment period for responsible agencies, interested organizations and members of the public. This comment period begins on November 10, 2021 and will end on December 13, 2021. Public hearings for the project at the Planning Commission and the City Council are anticipated to follow in the winter of 2021 and will be further noticed. Please provide written comments by 5:30 PM on Monday, December 13, 2021 by mail to the City of La Puente, Development Services Department, Attn: Abraham Tellez, 15900 E. Main Street, La Puente, CA 91744 or by email at

Public Review Items

(click on any item to open it)

La Puente Adopted 2021-2029 Housing Element and Appendices (Revised 8-8-22)

Initial Study – Negative Declaration

Notice of Intent to Adopt a Negative Declaration

Notice of Availability for Public Review and Comment

Virtual Community Workshop Video Recording

Where you unable to attend?
Tap the box.

Virtual Community Workshop PowerPoint Slides

To view PowerPoint Slides,
tap the box.

Virtual Community Workshop

To participate,
tap the box.

To access the City’s Zoning Code Ordinance, click on the following link:

City of La Puente Zoning Code Ordinance

To access the City’s Zoning Code – Online Interactive Version, click on the following link

City of La Puente Zoning Code

To access the City’s Zoning Map, click on the following link:

City of La Puente Zoning Map

To access the City’s Interactive Zoning Map, click on the following link:

City of La Puente Interactive Zoning Map

The City of La Puente General Plan documents our shared vision of tomorrow and defines the steps to progress from the present to the future. The General Plan is a long-range policy document (with a projected horizon of 15 to 20 years), frequently referred to as the guidebook or “blueprint” for our City’s development. This blueprint directs the look, the feel, and the experience of our City now and in the future.

To access the City’s General Plan, click on the following link:

City of La Puente General Plan

To access the City’s General Plan Map, click on the following link:

City of La Puente General Plan Map

Housing Element

The Housing Element is one of the seven state-mandated elements of the City of La Puente’s General Plan and provides a framework to address the existing and projected housing needs of our community’s economic segments. The Housing Element is required to be updated every eight years to ensure compliance with any changes in State housing laws, consider changes in demographics, and demonstrate the ability to meet future housing needs.

La Puente 2013-2021 (5th Cycle) Housing Element (Previous)

Housing Element Update 2021-2029

On October 7, 2022, the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) certified the City of La Puente’s 2021-2029 (6th Cycle) Housing Element.  The final adopted and certified Housing Element and Appendices are made available for viewing by clicking on the link below.

The certified Housing Element, as required by State law, identifies and analyzes existing and projected housing needs in order to preserve, improve, and develop housing for all economic segments of the community. The Housing Element also demonstrates how the City will accommodate its fair share of regional housing needs and includes a Housing Program, which establishes goals, policies, and implementation actions to address the City’s Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA). No physical development or construction of housing is proposed with this Housing Element, as it is a required component of the City’s General Plan.

La Puente 2021-2029 (6th Cycle) Housing Element and Appendices (Certified 10-7-2022)

Initial Study – Negative Declaration

Environmental Justice Element

Community Safety Element

The 2024 Community Safety Element addresses natural hazards including, but not limited to fire, seismic, and flood risk, and provides goals, policies, and actions that build capacity and increase resilience to these hazards. In accordance with Senate Bill 379, the updated Community Safety Element assesses the City’s vulnerability to hazards created or exacerbated by climate change and further identifies adaptation and resilience goals. This Community Safety Element updates La Puente’s current 2004 Community Safety Element, which addresses hazard mitigation, emergency response, noise, and safety services. La Puente’s 2024 Community Safety Element update also includes a replacement of all sections with the exception of noise, which will be addressed in its own stand-alone general plan element upon its next update.

Community Safety Element Final Adopted Document

Specific Plans define the vision for various communities and development areas in the City. These plans include development standards (e.g. lot coverage, setbacks) for private properties and public infrastructure planning distinct from the rest of the City.

Unruh Specific Plan

Local Hazard Mitigation Plan

The Hazard Mitigation Plan prepared in response to Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 (DMA 2000). DMA 2000 requires state and local governments to prepare mitigation plans to document their mitigation planning process, and identify hazards, potential losses, mitigation needs, goals, and strategies. This type of planning supplements the City’s comprehensive land use planning and emergency management planning programs.

To access the Local Hazard Mitigation Plan, click on the following link:

Local Hazard Mitigation Plan Document

Safe Routes To School Master Plan

Safe Routes To School (“SRTS”) is a strategy that improves pedestrian and bicycle travel conditions around schools in order to increase opportunities for students and their families to use active modes of transportation to get to and from school. SRTS is typically divided into two categories, infrastructure and non-infrastructure. Infrastructure, also called engineering, seeks to improve the physical built environment that makes active modes of travel safe, convenient, and comfortable.

To access the Safe Routes To School Master Plan, click on the following link: 

Safe Routes To School Plan Document

Planning Manager
Abraham Tellez
Phone: (626) 855-1513

Associate Planner
Juan Galvan, MPA
Phone: (626) 855-1538


City Hall:

15900 E. Main Street

La Puente, CA 91744


Community Center:

501 N. Glendora Avenue

La Puente, CA 91744


Senior Center:

16001 Main Street

La Puente, CA 91744


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