Development Services

The City of La Puente’s Development Services Department is comprised of six divisions: Building & Safety, Economic Development, Housing, Planning, Public Works-Engineering, and Public Works-Maintenance.

Building and Safety Division

Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:30 AM to 12:00 PM and 1:00 PM to 4:30 PM

Building and Safety – Plan Checking

Please contact the Building and Safety Division at (626) 855-1542 for Plan Checker availability.

Planning Division

Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:30 AM to 12:00 PM and 1:00 PM to 5:30 PM

Public Works Engineering Division

Hours: Monday through Thursday, 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Development Services Divisions

Is responsible for reviewing and inspecting residential, commercial, and industrial plans. This Division is responsible for ensuring that public life safety is protected, environmental laws and concerns are addressed, and that state and county and City Building codes are followed.

Encourages economic growth, including public and private development projects, business outreach, recruitment and retention, marketing programs, and related duties supporting these efforts. The Division focuses on envisioning, coordinating, and implementing comprehensive development projects that will have a significant and positive impact upon the City in the form of the increased sales tax base, increased property values, community beautification, and improved quality of life in the community.

Is responsible for assisting residents with single-family detached homes owned and occupied by low- and moderate-income households by providing them rehabilitation assistance to address basic housing needs. To correct hazardous structural conditions; to make improvements considered necessary to eliminate blight, correct building, and health code deficiencies, and improve handicapped access.

Is responsible for providing services in current and advanced planning. Planning also is responsible for updating the City’s General Plan, the processing of applications for land use permits, film permits, new development, residential remodels, signs, and temporary uses.

Provides for the design, construction, and oversight of the City’s infrastructure to benefit the general public. Other activities include the issuance of permits and inspection of construction affecting the public right-of-way, enforcing various regulatory requirements, and addressing any issues regarding streets, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, traffic signals, sewers, parks, other City facilities.

Is responsible for various services such as graffiti removal, street, curb, sidewalk restoration, parkway tree-related issues, refuse and recycling, traffic issues, and road closures. The Maintenance Division also operates and maintains City-owned facilities, parks, roads, sidewalks, and curb infrastructures and provides partial maintenance on sewers and storm drains.


City Hall:

15900 E. Main Street

La Puente, CA 91744


Community Center:

501 N. Glendora Avenue

La Puente, CA 91744


Senior Center:

16001 Main Street

La Puente, CA 91744


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