Risk Management

The Risk Management Division’s purpose is to identify and minimize exposures that could result in financial loss to the City. Risk Management is responsible for the administration of comprehensive loss prevention programs that incorporate current practices and philosophies that are most effective in preventing injuries, vehicular collisions, liabilities, and damage to equipment and materials. The division provides consultation and management services in the areas of workers’ compensation; general and auto liability; insurance procurement; employee insurance benefits, including life, long term disability, and State Disability; employee safety; uninsured losses; and public loss prevention.

Staff oversees the processing of all workers’ compensation and general liability claims. The division will identify and arrange for training programs to assist employees in the performance of their job duties to minimize exposure to injury.

To file a claim against the City, you must submit the completed claim form, either by mail or personal delivery, within six months of the date of the incident. To obtain a claim form by mail, please contact City Hall at (626) 855-1500.


City Hall:

15900 E. Main Street

La Puente, CA 91744


Community Center:

501 N. Glendora Avenue

La Puente, CA 91744


Senior Center:

16001 Main Street

La Puente, CA 91744


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