The City of La Puente

Local Aging and Disability Action Plan Survey

The City of La Puente is working to become an age and ability-friendly city and needs your help. We encourage adults of all ages to complete the following survey. Your answers to this survey will help identify current and future age and ability-friendly practices in our community and will be included in a Local Aging and Disability Action Plan.

Local Aging and Disability Action Plan
A Local Aging and Disability Action Plan (LADAP) is a program of strategies and actions that aims to improve services for older adults, people with disabilities, caregivers, and their families by expanding culturally important and accessible services. La Puente’s LADAP is funded by a grant award from the California Department of Aging that aims to:
  • Improve services & resources for older adults, people with disabilities, caregivers, & families
  • Support community members who are aging and/or living with a disability
  • Address health and other inequities within the aging and disabled communities
  • Combat racism, ageism, ableism, and biases with aging and disability services

About this Survey
The following survey asks questions about your health and community. The survey takes about 20 minutes to complete. We respect your privacy.
This survey is completely anonymous. We thank you and appreciate you!!

To thank you for your time, you will receive a $10 gift card for completing this survey.
To receive your gift card, please share your mailing information at the end of the survey.

This survey is open to La Puente residents and neighboring communities. Please note, only one gift card will be issued per household. Thank you for your understanding.
Also, if you want to learn more about the Local Aging and Disability Action Plan (LADAP) Program for the City of La Puente, please write your name and contact information at the end of the survey to receive updates and information on future LADAP events. To keep the survey anonymous, your contact information will be immediately removed from your survey responses and kept separate from your completed survey.
Section One: These questions ask you about your community and home.
Section Two: These questions ask you about your health.
Caregiving: These questions ask you about caregiving.

If you answered the previous question as "no/not sure", please jump to the next section 3 and leave this section empty.

Section Three:These questions ask you about your social interactions.
Section Four:These questions ask you about your financial well-being.
Section Five: These questions ask you to rate resources in your community.
How important is it for you to have the following in your community?
Section Five (continued): These questions ask you to rate resources in your community.
How would you CURRENTLY rate the following in La Puente?
Contact Information.

Thank you for completing the survey. As a thank you for taking the survey, you will receive a $10 gift card.
To receive your gift card and/or to receive more information on the City of La Puente LADAP Program and future events, please fill in your mailing information below.

The survey you just completed is anonymous and your contact information will be immediately removed from your survey responses.

Thank You!

Additional questions on the age and ability friendliness of La Puente:

If you have some extra time, and you are interested to answer some extra questions about the age and ability friendliness of La Puente.

If not, feel free to submit the survey now by pressing the button at the bottom. Thank you!

The City of La Puente is working to become an age and ability-friendly city and needs your help. We encourage adults of all ages to complete the following survey. Your answers to this survey will help identify current and future age and ability-friendly practices in our community and will be included in a Local Aging and Disability Action Plan.

Local Aging and Disability Action Plan
A Local Aging and Disability Action Plan (LADAP) is a program of strategies and actions that aims to improve services for older adults, people with disabilities, caregivers, and their families by expanding culturally important and accessible services. La Puente’s LADAP is funded by a grant award from the California Department of Aging that aims to:
  • Improve services & resources for older adults, people with disabilities, caregivers, & families
  • Support community members who are aging and/or living with a disability
  • Address health and other inequities within the aging and disabled communities
  • Combat racism, ageism, ableism, and biases with aging and disability services

About this Survey
The following survey asks questions about your health and community. The survey takes about 20 minutes to complete. We respect your privacy.
This survey is completely anonymous. We thank you and appreciate you!!

To thank you for your time, you will receive a $10 gift card for completing this survey.
To receive your gift card, please share your mailing information at the end of the survey.

This survey is open to La Puente residents and neighboring communities. Please note, only one gift card will be issued per household. Thank you for your understanding.
Also, if you want to learn more about the Local Aging and Disability Action Plan (LADAP) Program for the City of La Puente, please write your name and contact information at the end of the survey to receive updates and information on future LADAP events. To keep the survey anonymous, your contact information will be immediately removed from your survey responses and kept separate from your completed survey.
Section One: These questions ask you about your community and home.
Section Two: These questions ask you about your health.
Caregiving: These questions ask you about caregiving.

If you answered the previous question as "no/not sure", please jump to the next section 3 and leave this section empty.

Section Three:These questions ask you about your social interactions.
Section Four:These questions ask you about your financial well-being.
Section Five: These questions ask you to rate resources in your community.
How important is it for you to have the following in your community?
Section Five (continued): These questions ask you to rate resources in your community.
How would you CURRENTLY rate the following in La Puente?
Contact Information.

Thank you for completing the survey. As a thank you for taking the survey, you will receive a $10 gift card.
To receive your gift card and/or to receive more information on the City of La Puente LADAP Program and future events, please fill in your mailing information below.

The survey you just completed is anonymous and your contact information will be immediately removed from your survey responses.

Thank You!

Additional questions on the age and ability friendliness of La Puente:

If you have some extra time, and you are interested to answer some extra questions about the age and ability friendliness of La Puente.

If not, feel free to submit the survey now by pressing the button at the bottom. Thank you!

Surveys are now closed.

For more information, please visit